• INHWE Barcelona 2024: A Step Forward in Collaborative Healthcare

    INHWE Barcelona 2024: A Step Forward in Collaborative Healthcare

    The INHWE Barcelona 2024 Congress, themed “Building Collaborative Competencies,” brought together healthcare professionals from around the globe to enhance holistic patient care. This approach leverages the expertise of multiple disciplines, streamlining workflows, fostering timely communication, and ensuring coordinated interventions. Such collaboration ultimately leads to more efficient healthcare delivery and high-quality, patient-centered care.

  • Community of Practice

    Community of Practice

    Announcing the HEROES Community of Practice for Health Workforce Planning We are thrilled to announce the launch of the HEROES Community of Practice, dedicated to advancing Health Workforce Planning across 19 countries. This initiative aims to foster a collaborative learning community involving experts and participants from diverse backgrounds.

  • WP5 Cluster Workshop in Porto

    WP5 Cluster Workshop in Porto

    The city of Porto, in Portugal, hosted a meeting of European countries, organized by ACSS, which debated the best methodologies to respond to the problem of attractiveness and retention of human resources in Health in Europe for two days. This meeting is part of the HEROES PROJECT, which aims to reinforce and improve planning in…