Related projects and initiatives


OASES project aims to reinforce the capacity of health authorities to reform their health systems and address all the important aspect to successfully tackle the challenges that the medical desert is posing them. Specifically regarding actions focusing on skill mix, task shifting, use of e-health or IT systems, recruitment and retention management and policies in order to guarantee universal coverage also in rural and underserved areas.


The project Action for Health and Equity: Addressing medical Deserts – or AHEAD – aims to reduce health inequalities by addressing the challenge of medical deserts and medical desertification in Europe. Our goal is to achieve better access to health services, especially in underserved areas, and more equitable access to sufficient, skilled and motivated health workers, starting with the countries involved in the project: Italy, Moldova, the Netherlands, Romania and Serbia. We aim to do this by building knowledge encouraging (digital) innovation in health service delivery and applying a participatory approach to public health policymaking.


ROUTE-HWF aims to help EU Member States to improve timely access to high-quality healthcare across all EU regions, thus reducing disparities in population health. 


TaSHI stands for Empowering EU health policies on Task SHIfting. Health workforce planning systems show a high variety of maturity in the EU. Member States tend to focus on diverse aspects of managing health workforces and health policy focuses on optimising the operation of health systems by various measures. Initiatives on task shifting can contribute to more effective organisation of care and human resources for health management at different levels, so committing to improve efficient and sustainable health systems in innovative ways. The main objectives of the TaSHI project are to provide a novel understanding and up-to-date knowledge on task shifting and on transferability and uptake of good practices in implementation. 


The METEOR Project focusses on the job retention of healthcare workers in the European Union. More specifically, METEOR aims to enhance the scientific knowledge on job retention of healthcare workers in Europe and we will develop policy recommendations to increase job retention for this occupational group. METEOR will achieve this in two ways. First, one online survey will be submitted to physicians and nurses in eight hospitals in four diverse EU countries (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Italy). Second,  co-creation workshops will be organised with various key stakeholders to develop evidence-based policy recommendations. All the collected information will be offered to the stakeholders in a dynamic, interactive and easy-accessible online toolbox.


The main objective of ECHO is to strengthen the proactive cyber defence of the European Union, enhancing Europe’s technological sovereignty through effective and efficient multi-sector and multi-domain collaboration. The project will develop a European Cybersecurity ecosystem, to support secure cooperation and development of the European market, as well as to protect the citizens of the European Union against cyber threats and incidents.


BeWell project will contribute to the transformation of healthcareFostering a sustainable, fair and resilient ecosystem, with a clear blueprint for sectoral cooperation European countries have increasingly been recognising the importance of adopting green and digital solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the health challenges that Member States have been facing, and the pressures on health systems, but it has also provided an opportunity for European countries to accelerate their digital and green transitions via the mass adoption of digital solutions in a world requiring physical distancing.