Work packages

Structure of the HEROES JA Work packages

Description of Work packages

Work Package 1: Coordination

Coordination work package aims to ensure the appropriate overall and day-to day management and coordination of the project.
WP1 will provide technical, scientific, financial and administrative management and support; will steer efforts of the partners for the achievement of milestones and deliverables. The main areas of the project that are strictly monitored and controlled by WP1 are scope, schedule, resources, finance, quality and risks.

Work Package 2: Communication and Dissemination

Communication and Dissemiantion work package aims to disseminate high quality information on the results and progress of the Joint Action in order to contribute to the development of a sustainable health workforce planning in the EU Member States. WP2 will provide knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences and expertise among all relevant external stakeholders and among the Joint Action partners by applying methodologies to ensure the highest transferability and visibility of results.

Work Package 3: Evaluation

Evaluation work package will evaluate the quality of the overall project to verify and ensure that the outputs are effective, innovative and fit for purpose in order to guarantee a high impact.

Work Package 4: Sustainability

Sustainability work package aims to support the uptake of good practices and the scaling up of pilot projects with new knowledge and understanding, based on the main evidence of implementation and results achieved.

WP5-6-7 activities in HEROES are organized around three main clusters. Each cluster contains 6 countries that share common features regarding the type of health system and how the health workforce mobility flows are affecting the national labour market. Clusters will perform and “as is” analysis and define a desirable “to be” scenario at the Member State level. Finally, each country will design a road map and carry out an implementation strategy to cover the gap detected. Clusterization and overall JA coordination will ensure mutual learning and sharing of successful practices across countries.

Work Package 5-6-7: Improving health workforce planning capacity

Work package 5
Cluster members: Portugal, Norway, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Italy

Work package 6
Cluster members: Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland

Work package 7
Cluster members: Belgium, Estonia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Czechia, Malta
, Germany