Category: Testimonial1

  • Christin quote

    ““Many European countries will face similar challenges in the health care services, with an aging population and a stable or declining working age population. The Norwegian Directorate of Health is […]

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  • Bert quote

    “What is your personal motivation in HEROES? Our intention is to develop a dynamic forecasting model for healthcare workforce in Estonia.” — Bert Bauer, expert, Estonia

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  • Maria quote

    “The capacity of health systems to deliver health services and meet the changing demands of care strongly depends on the availability of workforce with the right skills and flexibility. The […]

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  • Dora quote

    “Optimizing the human workforce in health care is one of the biggest challenges today. I believe that the methodologies and health policies set up in the HEROES project and the […]

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  • Ronald quote

    “This Joint Action creates the opportunity for countries to effectively learn from each other. Not only from good practices but also from countries that share the same healthcare system and […]

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  • Paolo quote

    “HEROES is the joint action that is strengthening EU Member States capacity to better organise and plan their health workforce to meet future health system challenges. All 19 countries involved in the […]

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